Whitman Middle School Spring Athletics 2025
(A $25 district fee applies for either sport and will be assigned in Infinite Campus once rosters are established)
Whitman Track (7th and 8th grade only) information, sign up sheet, and
schedule. 1st Practice April 1st, 3:30-5:00 gym/outside(dress for the weather)
Track Sign Up 2025 (students need to use their Tosa email to fill this out)
Whitman Tennis (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) information, sign up sheet and schedule. Parent meeting April 3rd - Whitman Library- 5:10pm
Tennis Sign Up 2025 (students need to use their Tosa email to fill this out)
Schedule is still being finalized - see Tennis Information 2025 for 1st week practice schedule.
Signed Concussion Agreement Form must be signed and returned to Whitman’s main office.
Initially required of each athlete. In addition to the athlete and parent/guardian signatures, the form must be signed by a physician. Physical Forms are valid for two years from the date of the physical.
Physical Form - Alternate Year
Use this form if the student has a valid physical form from the previous school year. The Alternate Year Form requires parent/guardian and athlete signatures.
TRANSPORTATION- Parents will be asked to drive players to away meets and matches
Online Payments- Families are encouraged to pay fees online through Infinite Campus by clicking here. If you are unable to pay online, please send a check directly to school office.
Please contact Mr. Devine with any questions- devinedo@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us