The Wauwatosa School Board will meet for its only regular meeting of the month on Monday, March 10, 2025. The meeting will be held at the Fisher Administration Building (12121 W. North Avenue) in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, beginning at 6:00 p.m., and will be followed by an Executive (Closed) Session. A link to the regular meeting live stream can be found below:
Immediately following the Call to Order, the Board will allow public comment in accordance with Policy 0167.3 - Public Comment at Board Meetings. Please note that this will be the only opportunity for public comment during the meeting.
Next, the Board will review and vote on the Consent Agenda.
Following this, the Division of Finance + Operations will discuss a Referendum Bond Sale with the Board.
Next, the Division of Academic Performance will present a K-12 Physical Education and Health Audit, 1st Semester Academic Performance Report, and K-12 Mathematics Audit to the Board.
Next, the Policy Committee will bring forward the following policy for a second reading and/or action to approve:
Following this, the Policy Committee will bring forward the following policies for first readings:
Policy 3310 - Employee Expression in Noninstructional Settings
Policy 3419.01 - Privacy Protections of Self-Funded Group Health Plans
Next, the Legislative Advocacy Committee (LAC) will provide an update to the Board.
Then, the Board will adjourn into an Executive (Closed) Session to discuss strategy related to likely litigation concerning District response to recent federal executive actions.
Finally, the Board will adjourn.
For information about the School Board’s membership, meetings, committees and more, visit