Hands typing on laptop

Whitman Middle School has been recognized for its outstanding achievements in math interventions this year by Ascend Math, personalized online math instruction that provides each student with a unique study path through skill gaps at each level.

Whitman Math Academic Specialist Julie Harris was named one of only six 2024-2025 Ascend Math Model Educators in the nation by Ascend Math, which she credits as a shared milestone by her students who are putting in the hard work each day and are all meeting or exceeding expectations.

“This recognition is all because of the work my students have put into this, and the work we do together to make sure we are reaching our goals,” Harris said. “I’m so incredibly proud of my students.”

Ascend Math was implemented and adapted at Whitman to supplement the other math intervention instructional tools and practices in place to ultimately provide the best options for students.

Admittedly, it can be a challenge to keep her students motivated, because they have to give up an allied arts class to receive math intervention, and the intervention is in addition to their regular math class each day, making it their second math class of the day. Therefore, in addition to keeping them on task academically, Harris focuses on encouraging students to change their attitude toward math and their own math abilities, all while they are working at a different pace with different, individualized plans to help them reach their goals.

“I’ve seen so much growth in my students, not just mathematically, but in their overall confidence as well,” Harris said. “They’ve really been empowered to believe in themselves, which is the most important thing.”

Harris has worked in the Wauwatosa School District for the last 31 years, and most of her service has been in alternative education spaces working with nontraditional students.

“To be able to work with students who may struggle in an area and don’t typically get recognition and then come out on the other side where they are building their skillset and confidence is something I have always loved,” Harris said. “It’s my happy place.”

It’s an added bonus, she said, when they are recognized at this level for their hard work.

“To know what we’re doing is helping students is truly the greatest reward,” Harris said.

Learn more about Ascend Math and this recognition, please visit ascendmath.com/ascend-math-hall-of-fame/